Saturday 24 September 2011

In my previous post I mentioned that the new job is stress free. Well of course this isn't the case. One side of the business is going fairly well. The other side - recruiting - is frustrating!

Just getting people to look at the material is hard! Ugh! Watch the bloody video! It's only 15 minutes long!

But still that isn't really the frustrating thing. The problem is me. Should have known. I hadn't looked for help on the provided web site. Now it gets interesting!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Positively changed

I remember at school I had a entrepreneurial streak that never really go off the ground. I tried selling things but eventually due to being under cut - one guy was giving away what I was trying to charge for I gave up and started listening to my Father. He was a confirmed socialist with communist leanings and so I followed that philosophy for many years even joining in with the Militant tendancy in the 1980's for six months before becomming tired with the mindless rhetoric.

Occasionally I would be tempted back into capitalism. First by a company called General Portfolio, who ran as a Network Marketing business selling endowment saving policies. Glad I didn't go with that one considering what subsequently happened to the endowment market and the mis-selling that went on. The next brush was with Hebalife and I went along to see a presentation that simply didn't impress. This was again Network Marketing but the value I saw in the product was minimal and the chance for sales limited.

So I gave up on capitalsim and decided to start looking for a career. I took up a training scheme and after training found myself in a low paid dead end job. I became dispirited and realised that if I was to get a living wage I would need to go for something a little bit more challenging. So I pummed for a life in nursing.

I applied for a place in the training and was accepted. Three years later I qualified and got my first job as a Registered Nurse on an orthopaedic ward. This was good as I met my wife on there and we were courting within 6 months. During my training I had experienced community nursing and this was a constant draw for me. Eventually on the second attempt I got a job and I am still doing this more than a decade later. There was a problem.

As the years went by I realised that with the population explosion going on in my house money became ever more thinly spread. It was apparent that getting more money was ever more important. Then they stopped the over time and fuel prices contiued to rise. I needed to look beyond my chosen profession. My socialist principles lay in tatters, the government was not going to help.

So along came a chap working as a distributor for the Utility Warehouse. I was so impressed I decided to do it myself. Here was something that I could sell, it was good and honest. So I am back to capitalism with a bang. The future could be very bright.

Friday 19 August 2011

The back of an old man

I work hard, in fact I have worked so hard it has harmed me both mentally and physically. It has caused damage to my family. No more! I am fighting back. I have a new line of work one that is stress free, it is starting part time but will increase to full time - or rather to whatever time I choose to give to it.