Monday 5 November 2012


Did a presentation today. If they go for it they will save over £1100 per year. This exceeds my previous best of £600 per year.
I love the Club!
How Much would you save?

Sunday 21 October 2012

Win a Mini!

Since June this year I have been trying to drum up business as my list had pretty much dried up. I decided to go with “Neighbourhood Letters”.

This entailed knocking on doors and handing out letters giving a brief introduction to the Utility Warehouse. I then took a name and called back a few days later. I knew that doing things this way would not be easy and that I would need to get a lot of people taking the letters before I got a new member. Things went well and I had a lot of people taking the letters. I did come across a problem with a number of people frankly being rude and a few not wanting to give me a name. The latter I eventually got around by asking for a first name rather than a surname. The rudeness continued though.

On a note. I noticed that the rude people were the ones who had a problem saying no. Is saying no really such a problem? Yes I admit to having had a problem saying no in the past. I don’t really know how to get around this but it is really annoying and wastes such a lot of time.

I was surprised that I got several people interested and arranged appointments. Then came the cancellations. Out of over a hundred and fifty letters delivered I finally did two presentations and got one new member. This took me over a month to do.

In the same timeframe I also went up to the train station and gave out around one hundred Independence papers. From this I had one person contact me for more information regarding the business, This person didn’t join.

This represented a considerable amount of time devoted to the business. But there was little return for this investment. It was disappointing and to be honest I was despondent. This is the lowest point so far in the business for me. I had put in the time and effort as Mr Wigoder had stated and got nowhere.
Then through work I met a person who’s partner was looking to earn some more money. I did a presentation and took them to a Career Opportunity Presentation. They were interested there was a but though, money, interested but sadly lacking in funds. A potential one for the future. Not much of a lift but still a lift.

I took a few weeks off to think. One of the biggest questions being whether to continue with Utility Warehouse.

Then the bills came in! It was a done deal. There is no alternative, I cannot let plan B fail,
Off I went wracking my brains for a solution and it came to me about a week and a half ago. Win a Mini. Not a stand at an event but a street walk. I would stand there and offer people passing the opportunity to enter the prize draw to win a Mini or £10k.

I bottled it. I don’t know why but I could not bring myself to do this. I was terrified.
Then I went to the Safari Park with my family and joined in with a close up with some animals. Some of which we were able to touch. The first and most formidable creature was a hissing cockroach. Did I want to touch it or handle it? Hell no! Then I watched the children all have a turn letting the little beastie wander across their hands and I realised that I was scared of nothing. I instantly thought of my plans for a Win a Mini and realised that I was being silly. The cockroach came around again and I put out my hands and let the insect crawl onto my hands. I felt elated and had no fear.

So I am off this week.

My plans? Win a Mini, continuing what I have already done over the weekend by simply talking to people I know. Seven contacts already. The future is bright.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Was getting really frustrated. I hadn’t done much for my business over the last few weeks. I had a pile of papers, a pile of printed letters that need to be delivered and a sense of wanting to get them out there but also a weird reluctance, a feeling of apathy constantly finding other things to do.

I finally bubbled over with frustration and went out the other morning and gave a lot of papers out up at the train station, about half of the pile is now “out there”. Really happy and a deep feeling of accomplishment. Even better I have had a bite, one person has seen the opportunity and asked for more information. I am elated.

But this is another thing that I can do. A new skill. Ok giving out papers is not rocket science  but more than that it proved that I am able to move beyond my apathy, that inner reluctance I have beaten that inner demon and moved forward. I am not under the illusion that I have beaten it for good, I still feel it there. But now I know that I can beat it and get results. I am happy Smile.

I have also jettisoned the SDA church. I tried it for a couple of months but there was nothing spiritual about it. It was all about a book, discussing other people and not developing themselves, hiding bigotry behind religion. The god of love apparently doesn't love you if you fall in love with someone of the same sex. This goes against the grain. I am not going to follow this! Love is something special and finding it is hard. It should be celebrated not derided. Don’t do hate!

Back to being druid and wait for the fallout. Also feel better.

Kick in the bum

Was getting really frustrated. I hadn’t done much for my business over the last few weeks. I had a pile of papers, a pile of printed letters that need to be delivered and a sense of wanting to get them out there but also a weird reluctance, a feeling of apathy constantly finding other things to do.

I finally bubbled over with frustration and went out the other morning and gave a lot of papers out up at the train station, about half of the pile is now “out there”. Really happy and a deep feeling of accomplishment. Even better I have had a bite, one person has seen the opportunity and asked for more information. I am elated.

But this is another thing that I can do. A new skill. Ok giving out papers is not rocket science  but more than that it proved that I am able to move beyond my apathy, that inner reluctance I have beaten that inner demon and moved forward. I am not under the illusion that I have beaten it for good, I still feel it there. But now I know that I can beat it and get results. I am happy Smile.

I have also jettisoned the SDA church. I tried it for a couple of months but there was nothing spiritual about it. It was all about a book, discussing other people and not developing themselves, hiding bigotry behind religion. The god of love apparently doesn’t love you if you fall in love with someone of the same sex. This goes against the grain. I am not going to follow this, love should be celebrated not derided. Don’t do hate!

Back to being a druid and wait for the fallout. Also feel better.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Realisation strikes

July last year I started with Utility Warehouse DC (discount club) as a distributor. A daunting task, building my own business and while things did not take off in the way that I expected I have realised today that there has been a big change.

You see as part of my experience I have come into contact with a new mind set. It had revolutionized my life. For years - as long as I can remember I have suffered with low moods and on occasion this has led me into full blown depression, for which I have taken medication. Now I do not knock the tablets, they did a job but after a while I came off them and I was back to the old ways of stressing out and low moods. Now though this has changed.

I mentioned a change and this has been fantastic. I was introduced to the idea of personal improvement and this is done via books and audio programmes. I started off with a cd by a man called Jim Rohn and this was all about how to develop the business side of things (How to build your Network Marketing business). This led me to others and one thing has helped more than anything else - Goal setting.

I now know where I am going. My head is clear and brought about the biggest change in my life. I no longer suffer low moods. If things turn out differently than I expected that's fine I don't get down about it I chalk it up to experience and move on. Even my wife has noticed  the change in me.

Things are looking up!

Monday 9 April 2012

The Curve Ball 2

Well no explosions! No further eggy breath. Looks like I am over it.

Curve Ball

Hate being ill!

Felt this one coming on Saturday. Bloated, uncomfortable, loss of appetite, no sleep that night worried that I had picked up the kids vomiting bug so placed strategic bin next to the bed. Didin't need it though! Sunday morning ugh on the toilet every 15 minutes. Still no appetite, fed up of the gurgling in my abdomen. Finally fell asleep at around 7pm and woke at 10 buy my wife going up to bed.

The next three hours were spent on and off the toilet. Woke up at 4 am after a dream where my brother drove a car through a barrier into a bottom less pit! Back to sleep, woke up at 6.30am phoned work (they finally answered at 8am) to tell them I wouldn't be in and went back to sleep and woke at 9.30. One further trip to the loo and things have gone quiet.

Appetite is returning. Toast and tea. Now to wait and see.

I hate being ill!

Thursday 29 March 2012


I have a business. It is only a small one at the moment and is based on Network Marketing. I want to grow it, we (my family) need more money and who doesn't? Everything was going well; I was beginning to increase the amount of customers I have and then I hit a wall. I ran out of phone numbers.

I have been worrying about this for a couple of months now and the answer has been staring me in the face. I have a need - more phone numbers for the people I already know. I have a goal! Now to sort out how to achieve this goal.