Monday 9 April 2012

The Curve Ball 2

Well no explosions! No further eggy breath. Looks like I am over it.

Curve Ball

Hate being ill!

Felt this one coming on Saturday. Bloated, uncomfortable, loss of appetite, no sleep that night worried that I had picked up the kids vomiting bug so placed strategic bin next to the bed. Didin't need it though! Sunday morning ugh on the toilet every 15 minutes. Still no appetite, fed up of the gurgling in my abdomen. Finally fell asleep at around 7pm and woke at 10 buy my wife going up to bed.

The next three hours were spent on and off the toilet. Woke up at 4 am after a dream where my brother drove a car through a barrier into a bottom less pit! Back to sleep, woke up at 6.30am phoned work (they finally answered at 8am) to tell them I wouldn't be in and went back to sleep and woke at 9.30. One further trip to the loo and things have gone quiet.

Appetite is returning. Toast and tea. Now to wait and see.

I hate being ill!