Wednesday 9 May 2012

Realisation strikes

July last year I started with Utility Warehouse DC (discount club) as a distributor. A daunting task, building my own business and while things did not take off in the way that I expected I have realised today that there has been a big change.

You see as part of my experience I have come into contact with a new mind set. It had revolutionized my life. For years - as long as I can remember I have suffered with low moods and on occasion this has led me into full blown depression, for which I have taken medication. Now I do not knock the tablets, they did a job but after a while I came off them and I was back to the old ways of stressing out and low moods. Now though this has changed.

I mentioned a change and this has been fantastic. I was introduced to the idea of personal improvement and this is done via books and audio programmes. I started off with a cd by a man called Jim Rohn and this was all about how to develop the business side of things (How to build your Network Marketing business). This led me to others and one thing has helped more than anything else - Goal setting.

I now know where I am going. My head is clear and brought about the biggest change in my life. I no longer suffer low moods. If things turn out differently than I expected that's fine I don't get down about it I chalk it up to experience and move on. Even my wife has noticed  the change in me.

Things are looking up!