Tuesday 31 July 2012

Was getting really frustrated. I hadn’t done much for my business over the last few weeks. I had a pile of papers, a pile of printed letters that need to be delivered and a sense of wanting to get them out there but also a weird reluctance, a feeling of apathy constantly finding other things to do.

I finally bubbled over with frustration and went out the other morning and gave a lot of papers out up at the train station, about half of the pile is now “out there”. Really happy and a deep feeling of accomplishment. Even better I have had a bite, one person has seen the opportunity and asked for more information. I am elated.

But this is another thing that I can do. A new skill. Ok giving out papers is not rocket science  but more than that it proved that I am able to move beyond my apathy, that inner reluctance I have beaten that inner demon and moved forward. I am not under the illusion that I have beaten it for good, I still feel it there. But now I know that I can beat it and get results. I am happy Smile.

I have also jettisoned the SDA church. I tried it for a couple of months but there was nothing spiritual about it. It was all about a book, discussing other people and not developing themselves, hiding bigotry behind religion. The god of love apparently doesn't love you if you fall in love with someone of the same sex. This goes against the grain. I am not going to follow this! Love is something special and finding it is hard. It should be celebrated not derided. Don’t do hate!

Back to being druid and wait for the fallout. Also feel better.

Kick in the bum

Was getting really frustrated. I hadn’t done much for my business over the last few weeks. I had a pile of papers, a pile of printed letters that need to be delivered and a sense of wanting to get them out there but also a weird reluctance, a feeling of apathy constantly finding other things to do.

I finally bubbled over with frustration and went out the other morning and gave a lot of papers out up at the train station, about half of the pile is now “out there”. Really happy and a deep feeling of accomplishment. Even better I have had a bite, one person has seen the opportunity and asked for more information. I am elated.

But this is another thing that I can do. A new skill. Ok giving out papers is not rocket science  but more than that it proved that I am able to move beyond my apathy, that inner reluctance I have beaten that inner demon and moved forward. I am not under the illusion that I have beaten it for good, I still feel it there. But now I know that I can beat it and get results. I am happy Smile.

I have also jettisoned the SDA church. I tried it for a couple of months but there was nothing spiritual about it. It was all about a book, discussing other people and not developing themselves, hiding bigotry behind religion. The god of love apparently doesn’t love you if you fall in love with someone of the same sex. This goes against the grain. I am not going to follow this, love should be celebrated not derided. Don’t do hate!

Back to being a druid and wait for the fallout. Also feel better.