Sunday 21 October 2012

Win a Mini!

Since June this year I have been trying to drum up business as my list had pretty much dried up. I decided to go with “Neighbourhood Letters”.

This entailed knocking on doors and handing out letters giving a brief introduction to the Utility Warehouse. I then took a name and called back a few days later. I knew that doing things this way would not be easy and that I would need to get a lot of people taking the letters before I got a new member. Things went well and I had a lot of people taking the letters. I did come across a problem with a number of people frankly being rude and a few not wanting to give me a name. The latter I eventually got around by asking for a first name rather than a surname. The rudeness continued though.

On a note. I noticed that the rude people were the ones who had a problem saying no. Is saying no really such a problem? Yes I admit to having had a problem saying no in the past. I don’t really know how to get around this but it is really annoying and wastes such a lot of time.

I was surprised that I got several people interested and arranged appointments. Then came the cancellations. Out of over a hundred and fifty letters delivered I finally did two presentations and got one new member. This took me over a month to do.

In the same timeframe I also went up to the train station and gave out around one hundred Independence papers. From this I had one person contact me for more information regarding the business, This person didn’t join.

This represented a considerable amount of time devoted to the business. But there was little return for this investment. It was disappointing and to be honest I was despondent. This is the lowest point so far in the business for me. I had put in the time and effort as Mr Wigoder had stated and got nowhere.
Then through work I met a person who’s partner was looking to earn some more money. I did a presentation and took them to a Career Opportunity Presentation. They were interested there was a but though, money, interested but sadly lacking in funds. A potential one for the future. Not much of a lift but still a lift.

I took a few weeks off to think. One of the biggest questions being whether to continue with Utility Warehouse.

Then the bills came in! It was a done deal. There is no alternative, I cannot let plan B fail,
Off I went wracking my brains for a solution and it came to me about a week and a half ago. Win a Mini. Not a stand at an event but a street walk. I would stand there and offer people passing the opportunity to enter the prize draw to win a Mini or £10k.

I bottled it. I don’t know why but I could not bring myself to do this. I was terrified.
Then I went to the Safari Park with my family and joined in with a close up with some animals. Some of which we were able to touch. The first and most formidable creature was a hissing cockroach. Did I want to touch it or handle it? Hell no! Then I watched the children all have a turn letting the little beastie wander across their hands and I realised that I was scared of nothing. I instantly thought of my plans for a Win a Mini and realised that I was being silly. The cockroach came around again and I put out my hands and let the insect crawl onto my hands. I felt elated and had no fear.

So I am off this week.

My plans? Win a Mini, continuing what I have already done over the weekend by simply talking to people I know. Seven contacts already. The future is bright.