Sunday 21 April 2013


I am working through a work book – Living your best year ever by Darren Hardy. It is really good and I am finding some interesting things out about myself. The one is an Aha! moment that is worthy of inclusion on here.

The world is insane – or rather the people making up our society are insane.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting different results. This is true for the majority of people. These people wonder why they are obese but continue to eat fast food and sweetened carbonated drinks. These people trust companies with their money (like the banks) even though these same companies profiteer while increasing prices and give nothing back.

Realisation is the first step. Becoming aware of the static nature of your life/business/finances or part thereof is like gaining insight into this insanity. The next thing is to take action! Break the cycle of your ineffective behaviour and modify it and review it so that you become aware of what works and what does not.