Monday 18 January 2016

Becoming better

It is a week on from a big company event and I feel reluctant. My apathy centres around of all things reading, i particular self-development books.

Now I know these books or rather the information in them is likely to help me. So what was the problem?

The answer is simple. I had gotten out of the habit of reading, I had chosen to stop. On realising this I had a decision to make. Carry on as I am and stay the same - not really a good idea! Or choose to make the effort and pick up the books again.

I have gone with the latter and recommited myself to read ten pages per day. Sometimes this means reading five pages twice, especially if I find the information powerful like I did this morning. The book, Leading an Inspired life by Jim Rohn, an excellent place to start, the chapters are short and powerful. It covers everything from personal relationships to business, dealing with negativity and success.

So off I go having chosen to make a difference to me.

Thank you for reading.
Kind regards

Thursday 7 January 2016

I am glad that is all over. Hope everyone had a great Yule tide and best wishes for a Happy New year 2016.

I have to admit that the festive season this year has left me drained (emotionally and well you know). I could do with a holiday - for my US readers a vacation, but that isn't going to happen any time soon.

There is a lot going on this year, but I am most excited by the Marvel film Dr Strange - a childhood favourite. I just hope that they tighten up the origin story a bit. I went back and read the original story and hmm.

There is also an extra day in February and the Rio Olympics later in the year.

That is all for now. I will be writing again over the next few days.

Kind regards