Thursday 9 March 2017

The Weightloss fitness programme

Hello everyone. Yes it has been a while.

Since the new year I have been feeling more and more tired after work. Not sleeping well and generally feeling grotty. I had lost some wieght at the beginning of last year and could tell that that had all gone back on plus some as the belt had to go to the last hole.

The gym summoned!

Today marks the first visit of many to Firewalker Gym on Sailsbury street Wolverhampton. The people there are friendly and happy to help. Also it is only costing me  £9.99 a month which is excellent value.

I am shocked to say that my BMI is a bit high. Oh ok it's bloody ridiculous and I need to halve it.

I have a goal - loose 5 stone. Will keep you updated.

Thank you for reading
Kind regards