Friday 13 April 2018

April Update

Hi everyone.

Yes it's been a while. Ok quick update. I am unemployed. I was last employed as a Disability Assessor with a company called Capita. It was a move born of an extreme desire to leave the NHS. I'm sure that if you are living in the UK you will be aware of the problems that the NHS is having retaining it's staff. I'm not going to go into details but apart from one remarkable exception in the last 3 years management is under too much pressure and this is leading to a cascade of pressure onto other staff. The cause of this is lack of funding, a reduction in pay in real terms and the disastrous continuing privatisation of the service.

As for the Disability Assessors role, I went into it to help people but was unable to gain approval which is required from the Department of Work and Pensions(DWP). This on top of working 60 plus hours per week, and confusing feed back about the reports. Of the 20 people that started only one was Approved by the DWP. I'm sad to say I was relieved to leave. Prior to starting this job it was in the full realisation that I would not return to the NHS.

So why not go back to the NHS? The answer is that people are continuing to leave putting more pressure on those remaining. Given my brush with depression it would not be a good environment for me to expose myself to. Going back is not an option. So what to do?

To start I am restless, I'm doing housework, hoovering, washing up, cleaning the cooker and it isn't enough. I need more exercise and I need more money coming in. I have applied for the New enterprise allowance which I will be having a good look at at a meeting on Monday. I am also planning to restart my previous business with Utility Warehouse and have a few other things in mind as well.

One of the things I have in mind is starting a Youtube channel from the point of view of a 50 year old getting fit, 60 hours per week sitting in front of a computer screen, writing reports doesn't leave a lot of time or motivation to exercise.

Thanks for reading
Kind regards
