Monday 14 September 2015

Support for your home based business

One of the issues that people face when they start up their own home-based business is the reaction of their friends and family. These are the people that we expect to be the most supportive, these are the people that we know and trust. They are the ones that know and trust us. It's going to be simple, we waft the business idea in front of them and they fall over themselves to buy your product or join you in your endeavour to become financially and time free.

But what really happens?

So you approach lets call them Bob. You speak to them and tell them a bit about the business you have joined. Usually you avoid using the scripts - these are friends, they want the best for you and you don't want to use these super sales techniques.

Then you get their reaction. Those who are being polite will give you the look. The look is characteristic, they do not look at you head on, their nose doesn't point in your direction it's just off to one side and the head is tilted slightly back, but their eyes through slightly closed lids look at you with a profound sadness or disbelief. Now if you are new you do not know what this means but you do experience a sense of disquiet as they look at you. This disquiet is that you really do not know what they think. Do they need more information or do they think that you have jumped off the deep end.

Those that are not polite are a bit more direct, and will either laugh at you or tell you that you have lost your reason, joined a cult, build pyramids etc.! This is a good thing - at least you know without a doubt where you stand.

Neither of these two reactions or many others that you may come across are very supportive. But these are your friends, your family, they want the best for you and no doubt do not wish to see you hurt. Now this is not the reaction you sought or indeed want. These reactions are based on fear, ignorance for you but also the fear that you will suck them to their doom in your business.

Real support comes from those rare, and I mean rocking horse droppings rare, people that will sit you down and ask questions about your business. They will find out what it is all about, and give you an honest opinion good or bad. They will not judge until they have heard you out, this does not mean that they are not motivated by the same feelings of fear that the others are. But these people trust your judgement and will be there for you either way. These are the people that will either join you sooner or later depending on your level of success or the quality of the product or service.

The sorry point of this is that on the whole your immediate friends and family are generally speaking not going to be supportive of you. Even your wives and mothers. The people that you will get the most effective and continuous support from are your colleagues in the business you have joined. They will have gone through this and have the experience and fortitude to push through. Now the people on the outside will view this as a threat. You will be turning away from their advice, and as you do so will become successful.

Kind regards

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