Saturday 31 October 2015

Halloween / Samhain

Initially I thought to make this post a poem. However, if you have ever seen any of my poetry you will realise that poetry is not my forte. I am going through a rough patch at the moment and as part of my climb out of it is to do something creative every day. This blog post is my creative bit for Halloween or as it is also known from Celtic times as Samhain.

The Honoured Dead

The past belongs to you, on your shoulders I stand. You may have passed in war and conflict and may have died in courage or cowardice. Your passing my have been peaceful for which I am glad, I have seen suffering and pain as people have passed and wish that on nobody. You were there before. You are my ancestor.

I am not responsible for the person that you were, your actions or your attitudes may be used by others to give a picture of who I am. This is not true, I am responsible for my own actions, my own attitudes and beliefs. What is important is that you were there and contributed to me being here.

For today I celebrate that you existed. That by being there I am here. For this I am grateful.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you celebrate Samhain many blessings to you. If you are enjoying Halloween raise a glass to your ancestors in the midst of your revelry.

Kind regards

Sunday 4 October 2015

People Will be True to Their Nature

There is a story about a frog and a scorpion.

A frog is on the bank of a river about to jump in to cross to the other side. A scorpion sees the frog and says to him, "Hey frog! I see you are going to cross the river. Would you please take me?"
"You must be kidding," says the frog. "If I take you across on my back, you will sting me part way and I will die."
"No I won't," replied the scorpion. "If I did that I would go into the water and drown because I  cannot swim."
The frog thinks about this for a moment and decides that it would be safe to take the scorpion. The scorpion climbs onto the frog's back and they set off across the river.
Just over half way across the scorpion stings the frog.
Incredulously the frog turns to the scorpion just before going under the water. "Why would you do this? Now we will both die!"
"Because," replied the scorpion. "I am a scorpion. It is my nature."

This rather cold tale tells us that we need to be aware of people's nature. Though there are those that will talk their way into your company eventually their true nature will be revealed. Now often this will not be detrimental to you but other times their nature could be devastating.

Kind regards