Saturday 21 November 2015

Looking for Insight

Ah a clearish day. I am unhappy to say that the old demons are back. Work got too much and snap, I broke.

This was a few weeks ago and I have had some insight as to what happened.

For some days now I have noticed that my mood went from very low to normal. It was like a wave or a tsunami. Imagine if you will a stick in the water. it is supported in such a way that it is upright. A force acts on the top of the stick forcing it down into the water occasionally making ripples. But if that force is constant and holds the stick down the ripples do not happen and water overflows out of the container. But eventually when that force is released the stick shoots up, gravity brings it down and this action on the water creates violent ripples across the surface of the water. Again this can have the effect of pushing water over the side of the container.

The water indicates the surface of emotional well being. As ripples flow across the surface these indicate if a mood is high or low. The level of the water in the container is the level of the individuals ability to cope with any given situation. Should the stick hit the base of the container then the ability to cope with a situation becomes purely a matter of will, and severe issues can result. The waves can become more violent and the changes in mood more extreme.

The interesting bit with this is that the stick is not acted upon by one thing at a time but by all life's stressors. So if one stress is released but another takes over more violent ripples occur.

That's my insight on this. I would really appreciate anyone's opinion or insight.

Kind regards

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