Monday 24 August 2015

Rest and aspiration

Last week didn't go to plan. I had it in mind to use my first week away from the "Job" and build up my business. I had planned my activity and was all set to go. But a lethargy came over me and it soon became apparent that a different type of week was in store.

My children like most of the other children in the UK are off school until September and there is the almost constant, "Where are we going today," type of question. Then there is the last couple of weeks at the "Job" that have taken it's toll. I guess I should have planned a total down time for any activity that would be remotely called work. The result a complete lack of motivation.

All this despite my adherence to reading instructional and inspirational material. I awoke feeling tired and lacking in motivation. I began to be concerned about what was going on in my head and started throwing myself into positive thinking. Yesterday was time for the big push. I read the book and acted upon it and listened to the company conference call.

I guess this must have been a blip or my work in the above mentioned activities has had a good effect as this morning I awoke feeling refreshed and positive. It was accompanied with a big scary plan to improve my business as a whole.

I cannot tell you how relieved I am that this low mood has lifted. Given past history any prolonged period of low mood causes me a lot of concern. Honestly last week scared me but now I am over it and working to stay that way.

On another note I saw a post on Facebook with regards to the Huffington Post. This was a couple of weeks ago but it did make an impression. The post was moaning about motivational posts on Facebook, it is interesting that a relatively new News source thinks that all we need in life is the constant stream of negative information that they decide to throw at us. Sorry but I can say from the bottom of my heart that this is not the case. If we simply accept that the world is a bad place and have no aspiration to make it and ourselves better then the world will become what we think it to be. Just look at the way in which anti-depressants are given out today the prevalence of young people ending their lives in desperation.

There is a different way rather than the constant diet of fear, tragedy and general negativity. That way involves turning away from the constant drip feed of the media and concentrating with creativity and imagination on the world in which we want to live in.

Kind Regards

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