Sunday 30 August 2015

The journey

I came across a post on Facebook the other day and it made me think. The author of the post seemed to be belittling people who post about their experiences in their business but have few or no team members to read what they write. It is fair to say that my team is a lot smaller than the author of this particular comment and initially I was fairly ticked off.

This comment I would imagine is a thoughtless passing remark, the like of which litter Facebook. However, in Network Marketing or if you prefer Multi-Layer Marketing we pride ourselves on being able to support individuals no matter at what level. The public comment that was posted simply fails in this respect.

There is however another issue. By belittling the experiences of those going through their growing pains is actually detrimental. The implication is that the experiences of those higher up the compensation plan is worth more than those further down. This does not take into consideration that everyone's experiences, environment and circumstances may be wildly different from those higher up and by posting different experiences and how different people cope with them may help someone in a similar situation overcome that challenge. For some people putting their thoughts and experiences in writing is their journal, something that the late Jim Rohn encouraged everyone to do.

Now fair enough it is not expected that those in more advanced positions read and comment on every blog, Facebook or Twitter post. But by leaving a record of the journey that an individual is travelling, one that is permanent (unlike Periscope) when new members are recruited to a team then the information is already there.

Kind regards

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