Monday 3 August 2015

Voluntary paralysis

My kitchen sink has needed a good clean. This has been true I'm afraid for longer than I care to admit. It took some time to scub it back to cleanliness and while I got to work I thought about why it had taken me so long to do it.

Thinking back I noticed that it needed sorting on several occasions but I did nothing. Why? It seemed like a big job, it was going to take some time to complete, I didn't know what was going to be effective. The result I was paralysed, I had talked myself into voluntary paralysis. This is true in many areas of life.

How many times have you seen something that needs to be done, the first couple of times an excuse is given and this is the onset of the paralysis eventually the job seems too big and so is not done. We have convinced ourselves that it is too hard!

The antidote to this is to take action! Just start and deal with any difficulties as they arise, tweak your performance. Then momentum will kick in and before you know it the job is done. It's complete and you feel accomplished.

Kind regards

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