Saturday 15 August 2015

Sometimes you need a nudge

A couple of days ago I saw a post on Facebook and I got caught out. This particular post espoused the supposed immorality of offering housing to refugees rather than our own (UK) wounded soldiers. Well I got sucked in didn't I!

It took an old friend two words to make me look at it again.

Now after a bit of thought I had a realisation. It may not be the one that my friend was so subtly trying to get me to look at but it did make me look at the issue with a lot more consideration.

On the surface this seems to be purely about the issue of housing. There is apparently a housing shortage - I am no expert on this so I may be wrong in this. We are also being bombarded by the media that Britain is being flooded with immigrants, the current focus being on the situation in Calais. So even if this is taken as true then it does seem reasonable that people born here should take preference over others coming into the country. The impression given is that these people coming into the country are scroungers when in reality those coming into the country as a refugee are initially prevented by the government from working even those that have professional qualifications!

However, this is not an issue about housing as it seems.

The real issue is the piss poor treatment that is being given to those returning from active service. Especially those injured or traumatised. These people should be being looked after rather than being turfed out of the Armed Forces and cast away to rot on the streets. But why is there no public outcry about this? Well look at what is on the news tonight. It will be full of things that will make you fear, things that are intended to scare. If too much is made of the plight of those being abandoned by the Army, Air Force etc. then there will be public outrage. Against whom...?

Oh damn! I had promised myself not to be political. Oh well as long as this isn't a regular thing. Normal service will be resumed shortly.


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