Friday 31 July 2015


I am conflicted.

I had a message from the great guy that introduced me to my business. There is a training session on Saturday, is there anything stopping me from going. Erm well yes there is. Saturday is the day I take my three youngest children to Karate.

Oh damn!

My business is important to me however there is no point having a business if it gets in the way of living the life you want. I already have a full time job that gets in the way of the lifestyle I desire. The kids are great but I think that only one of them would go to Karate without me at the moment. It is something we do together. On the other hand my business needs a boost at the moment and that will ultimately give me the lifestyle I want.

So do I sacrifice Karate or business this Saturday?

Jim Rohn is on record saying that in the early days he would not have sacrificed some of the time he would have spent in other areas of his life on his business. Darren Hardy also is a proponent of balancing your life. In his goal setting book Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy 2012 ISBN-13:978-0-9819512-0-1 he describes a system for building goals that are holistic, or based on you living life and setting goals for the entirety of that life not just one aspect. In line with this one of my goals is to become fitter, shed some excess body weight. This is really important to me.

On the other hand I could go to Karate on the following Monday. It's a tight squeeze and will only work if I can have the car. The Karate session begins two hours after work and if I am on the bus - well you know how reliable public transport is. Have tried this before and it all went belly up due to buses not being there when they were supposed to be.

So what is the worst that could happen. There are two areas to look at, Karate and Business.

If I miss the business training then nothing will happen. It will not improve and if it continues in the current vein will disappear. Not good.

If I miss Karate the children will be disappointed but there is always another class. Not ideal.

Looks like time for the lesser of two evils then.

Looking forwards


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