Sunday 6 December 2015

General update

Hello everyone. I haven't posted anything for a while. Sorry about that.

It isn't that I haven't been writing, I have written a couple of blogs but due to their nature I have felt the need to keep them private. There are simply some things that I do not want on the internet.

So here's an update.
I am off work and have been since the end of October. I am not going into details but it is due to illness. I am on the mend but have to admit that I am contemplating my future with the NHS. This is no small thing, I have worked in that institution for over 20 years and to leave would be a big step. Not one that I have made as yet. The job has changed in the years I have been doing it and I simply do not get the satisfaction in doing it any more. There is also the working conditions which seem to be deteriorating. Oh enough! I have some thinking to do.

Due to this I haven't been active with my business. Mainly as my employer would not be amused to find me doing my business while I am off ill and I am not at the point that I would be able to rely on my income from the business. This has cost me, cost me a lot.

Ok I'm getting political now so hold onto your hat (storm Desmond has divested me of mine a few times this weekend!) Yes I'm going to write about the situation in Syria. Let's do it in bullet points -

  • We need to learn from history. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan. Are these notable successes?
  • We can ruin the infrastructure with bombs which we will then have to pay for to rebuild!
  • Innocents are going to die.
  • More people are going to become refugees, increasing the exodus from that country.
  • Do the government really think that the Daesh forces are going to just sit there and be bombed?
  • There are groups that the government have identified as being undesirable, what if it is these groups that will fill the power vacuum?
  • Oh and innocents are likely to die causing more people to be radicalised!
I am delighted that my MP voted against this madness.

Let me finish on a brighter note. The new Star Wars film is out in two weeks

Thank you for reading
Kind regards

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