Thursday 10 December 2015

What a difference a decade (or two) doesn't make.

In the car yesterday afternoon listening to the radio. A track that had meaning for me back in the 80's came on and I started singing along. The track was Alone by Heart. It was one of those songs from a time when I was all hormones - frothing desire and lust! The barely caged animal of reproductive need. Here's the track on Youtube

It is odd that at the time I would have moved the Earth for female companionship, if only I could have overcome my overwhelming shyness. Being alone with someone - that would have been heaven.

Now the song has new meaning.

Blessed with children it is now difficult to get time alone with my wife. Yes I would move heaven and Earth for a date night.

The more things change the more they stay the same!

Thank you for reading.

Kind regards

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