Friday 24 July 2015


Association is one of the cornerstones of a Network Marketing business. The five people that you associate with most will dictate your income. So looking at the current group of people that you are currently associating with at the moment, if you take the average of their income your income is likely to be close to that mean.

This currently worries me as the people I associate with most at the moment have an income that is lower than mine. These are the people at work and my family. That may sound harsh but I am not criticising them, just stating what is true. For two years I have had a limited association with my business colleagues. This was enforced by the fact that I relied on public transport and lifts and in regards to the latter I did not want to be seen as dependent on other people. This situation has now changed and next week will have access to a car I will be able to get to the three meetings held every month and talk to and network with successful people.

But what has been the effect of this lack of contact with like minded people?

In short my business has been shrinking. Fortunately my own activity has led me personally to tread water but the signs are there that unless I do something the business will fail. I am not about to let that happen!

Does this mean that the people I currently associate with will be shoved aside? No - I'm sure my wife will be glad to hear this. But what is going to happen is that my mind will be fed by the association with people in a positive way. My focus will shift under this influence and my belief in the business will increase. All of this along with action will lead my business to grow.

All of this will be supported by my continued reading and watching of videos that will positively feed my mind.

Edited because blogger app will not let me put in html code!

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