Monday 20 July 2015


It is truly remarkable that some people are terrified of saying the word no. They concoct all manner of ways to get out of saying that one syllable word. In fact on many occasions this leads to them being down-right rude. Surely a simple "No thank you," is better than putting the phone down on someone or not turning up to an appointment. Then there are those that just become simply nasty.

I remember when I started my business I was eager, full of energy and completely ignorant of the ways that some go to to get out of saying no. So when one person cancelled an appointment via voice mail I followed up to try and re-make the appointment. I was confused that they weren't returning my calls until eventually it dawned on me that they weren't interested. Looking back on the then situation they must have been annoyed that I was constantly calling them but this entire situation could have been avoided if they had simply said no.

Very interesting human behaviour.

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