Monday 27 July 2015

Personal development

Some times things happen in a weird synchronicity. This morning happened a bit like this.

On my way into work a friend asked a group of us on Whatsap what we are reading to aid our personal development. I replied that I am reading Leading an Inspired Life by Jim Rohn. He then asked how this is helping me with my business. I took a while to think about this. The book isn't a short pamphlet but is set out in short chapters which are "bite-sized". It is easy to take a chapter every day and think about it. Some chapters are longer than others.

Now for those of you that do not know, Jim Rohn was one of the foremost writers and speakers in the field of personal development. Many business leaders read him, watch his videos and listen to his audio programmes, along with many who are following in his footsteps in the field of personal development. Search for him on YouTube. While I do not agree with everything he writes about on the whole he was a genius.

Once I got into work, as usual I was there early so that I do not have to rush and can get settled into the idea of working in that place, I sat back and took out my copy of Shimbun. No don't worry I am not going to go into full flow about Karate - see the post Karate - business - personal development crossover. I turned to the page I had got to. Lo and behold it was an article about Goal setting. In this I came across ten questions that I have not come across before that can help to clarify your goals and keep them attainable. These are the ten questions -

  1. Is my goal really my goal?
  2. Do I clearly see my goal?
  3. Am I depending on factors within my control to achieve my goal?
  4. Does my goal compel me to accomplish it?
  5. Do I have a strategy to reach my goal?
  6. Have I included the people I need to realise my goal?
  7. Am I willing to pay the price to attain my goal?
  8. Am I moving closer to my goal?
  9. Does working toward my goal bring satisfaction?
  10. Does my goal benefit others?
I will be using these to help me tweak my written goals for the next 12 months.

I was surprised to see such an in-depth yet succinct piece of writing on the subject. It is odd to me now that the answer I gave when my colleague asked about personal development should have been the magazine Shimbun.

Looking forwards

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