Sunday 26 July 2015

Frustration, inaction and how to deal with it.

Following on from my one day off this weekend and preparing to go to work. Yes "work" is a four letter word, sorry for swearing! I realise that I am really frustrated. I have reviewed my business activity this week and I am disgusted and frustrated with myself.

To be fair with me, I have had a lot on this week. The excitement of having a new car, my eldest daughter's eighteenth birthday party and the sorrow that marked the passing of our second eldest child fifteen years ago. Maybe I am being a little hard on myself.

But it is difficult to look back on a fruitless week especially when you see others achieving and being promoted. At this point it would be easy to give up, just walk away. But I am stubborn, thanks Dad. I do not give up easily and I have read a fair few personal development books and CD's. The one quote haunts me, it is burned into my mind and in the moments that I consider throwing in the towel it has a habit of rearing its head and remind me that if I am to change my life then I am going to have to do things that are different to what I am doing currently. Here's the quote - I'll add the author when I remember/find out who it is. Feel free to add the author in the comments.

If you always do what you always did
You will always get what you always got!

So I am forgiving myself for this last week. I'm not going to berate myself any-more. Today is a new day and though Last week was fruitless this moment on is open to new possibilities. So I am going to plan my week, check my diary daily and associate with my colleagues. Oh and renew my driving license!

Looking forwards

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