Tuesday 21 July 2015

Karate - business - personal development crossover

I knew this would happen. Karate is fundamentally about developing the self. The body may be fit but if the mental attitude is not behind it then defeat is always likely.
The club I train with puts out a magazine around twice a year. I have just started to read the latest one, my first since returning to training. The first article really hits the spot.
The article is writen by one of the top instructors with the club called Stacey Karetsian and the article is titled "The Way of the Inner Warrior."
Stacey writes that the mind is the driving force, that it is the fortitude of the will that enables us to develop beyond our self imposed boundaries. These boundaries are our conditioned responses and attitudes developed to prevent us experiencing loss which he referrs to as "The pain of failure." He goes on to say and I quote
We are on our own journey. We are all on our own path and we will progress at our own pace.
The key is not to compare ourselves to others. Sure we can be inspired by others and choose
to modelon their attitude and behaviour, but we must not judge ourselves against them.
He finishes by saying that by accepting this we build our self-worth.
I find that this speaks to me in all areas if life.

The article The Way of the Inner Warrior by Shihan Stacey Karetsian found in Shimbun the in house magazine of GKR Karate Volume 22 Number 1

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