Monday 20 July 2015

Journey to a Black Belt


I graded to 7th Kyu – Orange belt with GKR. That was pretty much the last serious session of Karate that I went to. Due to my wife being pregnant with twins I was unable to continue, we were to and fro from the hospital a lot and by November had a 13 month old baby as well. My eldest daughter continued for a time also achieving 7th Kyu but due to an increase in living costs we were unable to send her too after a while.

2012 still missing karate I went and checked out a local Shotokan dojo. I went along for a couple of lessons but found the venue not to be conducive to training. It wasn’t that the Sensei was a poor instructor on the contrary he was obviously well versed in Karate. It was literally the place. It was a large school hall that echoed and I found it almost impossible to hear instructions from across the hall.

This year with a brightening financial situation I decided that it was time to return. I found a dojo, sadly the previous location that I had regularly trained in was no longer operating and the new venue close by met on a night I could not make. So the next closest was an eye watering 4.5miles away. This was accessible via public transport as we didn’t have a car. So an hours journey there and back and a hour and a half training.

This wasn’t easy and a couple of times we missed a training session due to my work and not being able to get to the dojo on time.

Now we once again have a car. My children are approaching their first point of recognition with the club and I am working towards 6th Kyu. I am a long way away from a black belt but I am now again moving towards it.

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