Monday 20 July 2015

Karate + learning difficulties

My son was diagnosed with delayed development - a learning difficulty at around the age of three. He had been suffering with glue ear and had been profoundly deaf for a number of years, now that problem is resolved. He is a fantastic little man and I love him to bits.

He understands everything that is said to him but is unable to express himself very well. He is frightened of making a mistake.

I want the best for him and so took the decision to enrol him along with his sisters into GKR Karate. He has now done four classes and is doing well. I was worried a couple of trainings ago when he sat out and refused to train. I left him at home the next time but he has since been to two more trainings and has participated fully and even enjoyed himself.

I hope that this will build his confidence and aid him in his coordination.

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